Arne is a calm and composed guide who does not put pressure on you and gives you sufficient time to look at the situation from an outsider’s perspective. He is excellent at helping you help yourself. You have the sense of freedom but the reassurance that someone is there to guide you by the hand. He guides you through the process thoughtfully and in a target-orientated way, and has great sense of what is important and what is unimportant. This means the sessions with him are highly effective but without feeling rushed or pushed.
Arne can very quickly grasp the situation and explain it very clearly. His approach is target-orientated, analytical and has a clear structure. He keeps to his transparent budgets 100%, in terms of both the result and the fee, and undertaking projects with him is like precision flying with a very smooth and accurate landing.
His clarity is very reassuring and means that his fellow team members feel comfortable opening up. This meant it was possible to carry out the necessary measures effectively, individually, and with the goal in mind.
It has been half a year since my last session. We introduced the measures within 6 weeks and started on implementation straight away. Since then, all the agreed measures have been successfully implemented to the full satisfaction of management and the employees.
Using my own understanding, I would never have used the step recommended by Arne as the first. However, we trusted his suggestion and chose as our first step the one we developed together. Over the intervening period we implemented the next step – the one I would have chosen as the first step using my understanding. Now, looking back, we can see that we would not have been able to implement it in the way intended if we had used a different sequence of steps – thanks Arne!