General terms and conditions of business

I. Area of applicability and validity
The general terms and conditions of business at hand regulate the entire business relationship (including services and products) between Angels4Business (hereinafter referred to as “A4B”) and its customers and apply for the duration of the business relationship. At the time of engaging A4B, these terms and conditions shall be deemed to have been accepted by the customer and are an integral part of all offers, order confirmations and date reservations. Deviations from these general terms and conditions of business must be agreed in writing.

II. Care and co-operation obligation
A4B shall be obliged to provide all coaching services carefully. However, coaching is based on co-operation and mutual trust between customer and coach and remains a free and active process characterised by self-responsibility. A4B shall assist the customer as a process supervisor and provider of support during decisions and the carrying out of changes – the actual change process must however be carried out by the customer. Therefore, the customer must be prepared and willing to engage with itself and its situation.

III. Scope of engagement and fees
The scope of the engagement and the defined targets shall be set out in a separate coaching agreement if requested by the customer. Prior to the start of a coaching process, a number of questions will be clarified either by telephone (maximum 30 minutes) or in writing, in particular the expectations on the part of the customer relating to A4B, in order for the customer to be able to make a decision as to whether to go ahead with the coaching or not. No invoice will be issued for the above. The hourly rates for the services of A4B vary (partial hours will be charged for on a pro rata basis). The amount of the hourly rates essentially depends on the type of coaching, the role of the customer and the sector. The hourly rate which applies to an engagement is published on the homepage, and the fees which apply at the time of the service provided or the tariffs notified to the customer in writing. A4B usually issues invoices for coaching services at the end of the month or after the provision of the services. These are payable within 20 days. In case of seminars, courses or presentations, A4B issues the invoices once the registration has taken place. These are payable within 20 days or, should this time have already expired, immediately following receipt of the invoice. Any taxes which are due on the services, namely value added tax, must be paid by the customer.

IV. Expenses
Additional expenses which are incurred in connection with a coaching relationship by agreement with the customer shall also be invoiced (plus any taxes which are due). For meetings outside of Zurich, travel time will be charged for at an hourly rate of CHF 150.00 For train travel, a first-class ticket (half tax) will be charged for. In case of journeys by car, mileage to the sum of CHF1.00 per kilometre will be charged for. Expenses such as the renting of premises, special work instruments and other additional costs will be agreed with the customer in advance and billed separately.

V. Terms and conditions of rescission and cancellation charges
It is possible to cancel the coaching session free-of-charge up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date. In case of coaching sessions on Mondays, free-of-charge cancellation is possible by 12 noon on the Thursday. In case notice of cancellation is not issued by the deadline, the entire fee for the scheduled session will be owed. In case of the cancellation of workshops, seminars, presentations and other services more than 35 days prior to the agreed date, A4B will charged for the preliminary work which has effectively been carried out, including expenses (in accordance with the agreed hourly/daily rate for performance). In case of cancellation less than 35 days prior to the start of the engagement, 100% of the agreed sum will be charged for or the issuer of the engagement will provide an appropriate replacement participant to whom the invoice will be transferred. In particular, this passage applies to events in Ephesus, Izmir, Turkey and to the coaching itself which is booked through A4B. Hotel, flight and other bookings shall be carried out by the issuer of the engagement on its own account and responsibility, unless explicitly stated in the offer or tender.

VI. Confidentiality and data protection
A4B shall maintain secrecy in relation to third parties concerning the corporate, business and private matters of the customer of which it becomes aware within the framework of its work, also following termination of the contract. The disclosure of such facts, including the name of the customer for reference purposes shall remain reserved, following the written authorisation on the part of the customer.

VII. Exclusion of liability
A4B provides a service in accordance with the engagement and does not guarantee success. In addition, within the framework of what is permitted by law, A4B rejects all liability claims. In all cases, the liability of A4B is limited to the fee received from the customer. The customer fully bears the risk of communication via the Internet, email etc.

VIII. Insurance
The customer is always the host of team coaching sessions, seminars, workshops etc. The insuring of the participants is always the responsibility of the customer. A4B is not responsible for insurance and does not provide this.

IX. Severability clause
Should any individual provisions of the contract with the customer, including these general terms and conditions of business be or become ineffective in full or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses. The provision which is ineffective in full or in part shall be replaced by a clause whose economic intent comes as close as possible to the provision which is ineffective in full or in part.

X. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss law applies.